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Спойлера Hyundai Elantra (AD) 6 поколение, дорестайлинг (2016-2019)

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Насос омывателя Гетц 1. Ограничитель двери Гетц 1. The GT trim was replaced for the model year with the Limited trim, which featured new paint colors, a chrome vertical grille, leather interior with leather steering wheel and leather shifter and wood trim. The Limited trim featured steel rims with a 6-spoke cover featured in the GLS model. The GT trim for the five-door was produced for the remainder of the model year. The XD was available with 1.

North American models are available only with the 2. The 1. While compact on the outside, it was listed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a mid-size car because of a spacious interior. Horsepower improved from hp kW to hp kWand torque from tomainly due to the addition of continuously variable valve timing CVVT in Originally, the horsepower rating was misrepresented as hp kW.

This car has been used as a taxicab in Beijing since and replaced the popular red Tianjin Xiali hyundai elantra спойлер in in an effort to cut down pollution. The Elantra is available in 5 door Liftback for and sedan form from to Pre facelifted models of the Elantra XD were produced for the model year and had a facelift in consisting of new headlights, radiator, rear foglights on the rear bumper, and new wheels.

Production ran up to It used a resurrected appearance from the s and s called " coke bottle styling hyundai elantra спойлер. The engine lineup included 1. All engines featured improved fuel economy. A five-speed manual transmission was standard with an hyundai elantra спойлер four-speed automatic. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS the Elantra received a Good overall score in the frontal crash test and a Marginal overall score in the side impact test, but all Hyundai Elantras manufactured after November earned a Good overall score in the side impact test.

Beijing Hyundai launched a hyundai elantra спойлер Elantra called the "Elantra Yue Dong" for the Chinese market with an updated exterior and a separate facelifted Elantra model. The model was later updated in and is currently known as the Hyundai Celesta. Only the 2. Unlike the model year XD series, the model year base HD Elantra GLS trim did not include air hyundai elantra спойлер as standard equipment, but added side curtain airbags hyundai elantra спойлер front and side onlyactive head restraints and all-round disc brakes with four-channel ABS.

Hyundai offered the Hyundai i30 wagon in the U. Elsewhere, the same vehicle was marketed as the Hyundai i30cw. Canadian trim levels were different from the Hyundai elantra спойлер models. This trim included power windows in the front with manual windows in the rear. The "GL" added heated mirrors, air conditioning, power windows, heated seats, a six-speaker stereo, wheel-mounted cruise controland keyless entry with alarm.

The "GLS" trim added wheel-mounted audio controls, ABS, all-round disc brakes, and front seat-mounted side-impact and roof-mounted side curtain airbags.

The "GLS" with the Sport Package included a rear hyundai elantra спойлерpower sunroof, inch alloy wheelsfog lampstrip computer and a leather-wrapped steering wheel and leather shifter.

hyundai elantra спойлер

The final trim level, the "Limited", added leather seats, a hyundai elantra спойлер steering wheel, and automatic climate control air conditioning. The LPI Hybrid came equipped with the 1. The LPI Hybrid hyundai elantra спойлер Compared to the conventional 1. The Elantra hybrid comes with an "Eco Guide" tree icon meant to coach the driver into developing more eco driving habits. For the U. For markets such as the Middle East, the 1.

hyundai elantra спойлер

The Israeli market hyundai elantra спойлер the Elantra, with a 1. The new model went on sale in August in South Korea, and began selling between end of and early as a model. It is powered by a new 1. The fuel economy was aided by a low drag coefficient of just 0. The Nu engine block is made of aluminum instead of the previous cast iron. The similarities between the second-generation i30 and Elantra continued in front end and suspension characteristics.

It was available in two trim levels, GLS and Limited. Premium features included heated front and rear seats, proximity key entry with electronic push-button start with immobilizer, and touch screen navigation. In for the model year, the Elantra sedan received significant updates.

Exterior enhancements include new front and rear styling with tinted taillights hyundai elantra спойлер L-shaped fog light housings. Released in Augustthe Langdong sedan is 4 cm 1. Its hexagonal front grille was replaced with a chrome wing-shaped version.

The vehicle was unveiled at the Beijing Motor Show. Production models included a choice of 1. For the model year, a coupe based hyundai elantra спойлер the sedan debuted.

Спойлер Hyundai Tucson 1. Устанавливается на автомобиль Hyundai Tucson 1 с года по год в закладки сравнение. Спойлер Hyundai Matrix. 7 руб. Спойлер Hyundai Matrix. Устанавливается на автомобиль Hyundai Matrix с года по год. в закладки сравнение. Спойлер Hyundai i30 2 CW / Wagon (универсал).  Спойлер Hyundai Elantra 3 (седан). Устанавливается на автомобиль Hyundai Elantra 3 (седан) с в закладки сравнение. Спойлер Hyundai Coupe.

The vehicle was unveiled at the Busan International Motor Show. The production model included a 2. The Elantra Coupe was discontinued after the model year in the US due to poor sales, so the brand could focus on the sedan and GT models.

The design of the car has been changed to a more conservative appearance. The "fluidic sculpture" design that persisted across the Hyundai portfolio since is gone in the sixth generation Elantra.

The car is now more like a fastback with its roofline sloped from the windshield to the rear of the car and it has fewer curves overall with pentagonal head and taillights, a hexagonal grille, and redesigned body panels and bumper emphasizing straight lines along the body. The windshield is drawn back from the hood further than the prior generation, making for a more traditional sedan look.

This was done without reducing the interior cabin space hyundai elantra спойлер the prior generation. Its petrol variant displaces 2. The sixth generation Elantra was announced to be released for sale in February for the model year in North America.

While the Elantra is sold under the compact class, it classifies as a mid-size sedan according to the EPA. Newly introduced for was the ECO Trim, a package which replaced the standard engine with a lower displacement turbocharged 1. The new SE model came standard with fewer features compared to the prior generation trim level, and included a hp kW 2. In the middle of the hyundai elantra спойлер year, steering wheel audio controls become standard equipment across all trims.

Hyundai elantra спойлер mid-level Value Edition trim was also added. Limited models receive glossy black interior accents and a standard auto-dimming rearview mirror. Roughly halfway through the model year, Hyundai released a Sport model for the North American market. The Sport slots between the Eco and Limited models and is differentiated externally by different headlights and taillightsground effects, a more hyundai elantra спойлер front and rear bumper as well hyundai elantra спойлер dual chrome-tipped exhaust outlets.

Under the hyundai elantra спойлер, the Sport features a Turbocharged 1. Hyundai elantra спойлер options include a 7-speed dual-clutch automatic with manual shift mode or a traditional 6-speed manual. Additional modifications for the sport include a flat-bottomed steering wheel, red stitching on the seats, shift boot and steering wheel, larger front brakes, 18" alloy wheels, an independent multi-link rear suspension, a thicker front stabilizer bar, and a lower ratio steering ratio for a quicker feel.

The Elantra 2. For the model year, the 2. Higher 2.

hyundai elantra спойлер

The Elantra Lingdong PHEV is capable of an all-electric range up to 85km, with the fuel consumption hyundai elantra спойлер only 1 liter per km under comprehensive conditions. Hyundai extensively refreshed the Elantra for the model year; it received a new exterior look, new wheel designs, new safety features and an updated center stack. New triangular headlights included LED headlights as an option, removing the previously available adaptive HID headlights.

Interior design changes include revised HVAC controls for both hyundai elantra спойлер and automatic systems and newly designed vents. The steering wheel has also been changed to the same design shared with the KonaVelosterand Elantra GT.

The instrument cluster has an updated font, center display, and a checkerboard pattern. A new 5-inch touchscreen audio is now standard on the base SE trim and comes with a backup camera.

The center storage in front of the shifter no longer has a door to conceal storage in order to accommodate the available Qi wireless charging dock for compatible smartphones. Rear heated seats are also no longer an option. On 6 Septemberthe facelifted Avante was launched in South Korea and became the fifth hyundai elantra спойлер car in the South Korean market.

Hyundai Pakistan Hyundai Nishat Motors started assembly of hyundai elantra facelift model in the last quarter of The seventh generation Elantra, which was planned to be released for the model year, was unveiled on 17 March in West Hollywoodwith model code name CN7. It teased a new " parametric dynamics" design language, and a return to a longer and wider fastback rear end sports sedan style. In Australia and New Zealand, the seventh-generation Elantra is badged hyundai elantra спойлер the i30 Sedanto allow Hyundai to integrate the Elantra with the popular i30 hatchback for added sales.

The Hyundai Elantra Hybrid can travel 54 miles per gallon with horsepower and a pound feet of torque sent to the front wheels through a six-speed dual-clutch transmission. The battery can store enough energy for gas free operation at a parking lot speed, and shuts off during coasting. The battery is located hyundai elantra спойлер the rear seats and the car has a steering ratio of Mitsubishi Motors Australia complained that the Hyundai Elantra was too close to the Elante trim level, which was last used on the Magna.

There are also disputes about the chassis codes for the — and the — model years. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Compact car. For the Chronicles of Elantra novels, see Michelle Sagara.

Hyundai elantra спойлер vehicle. You can help. The hyundai elantra спойлер page may contain suggestions. September Petrol : 1. Archived from the original on 27 September Retrieved 15 November Retrieved 16 November Archived from the original on 18 May Retrieved 18 May Archived from the hyundai elantra спойлер on 4 October Hyundai elantra спойлер 10 August Bogdan Corporation. Archived from the hyundai elantra спойлер on 27 December Retrieved 18 April Archived from the original on 25 July Retrieved 29 October Retrieved 22 March Essential, Preferred and Ultimate models feature convenient wireless connection, no cable required.

Available on select models only. Cellular and GPS coverage is required. Features, specifications, and fees may vary by model and are subject to hyundai elantra спойлер. For more on details and limitations, visit hyundaicanada. The available wireless charging pad is located in the centre console, so you can easily charge your smartphone, cable-free.

The Elantra Hybrid maximises fuel efficiency with its full-parallel hybrid drive system. Running on either on a gasoline internal combustion engine, an electric motor or both, at 4. As part of the Tech package, both screens grow an incredible In truth, this setup is reminiscent of what is found in the Mercedes-Benz A-Class. Its well-executed interior is roomy, it offers a plethora of tech, and the ride is big-car comfy. Starting from.

hyundai elantra спойлер

Fuel economy per km. Stay connected and protected. Parametric Dynamics. LED headlights. LED tail lights. LED side mirror turn signal repeaters. Sleek edged trunk hyundai elantra спойлер. Interior comfort. All-new design. Heated front and rear seats. Heated steering wheel. Dual-zone automatic climate control.

Power sunroof. See what the experts think. Visit the site. Yuri Tereshyn and Jakub Wrobel. View More Elantra Reviews.

Previous Slide. High Beam Assist. Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist — Reverse. Adaptive Cruise Control with traffic stop and go. Rear Occupant Alert. Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist. Driver Attention Warning.

Lane Following Assist. Safe Exit Warning. High Beam Assist Using the front-mounted camera and light detection technology, available High Beam Assist provides an extra level of convenience by automatically switching between high and low beams when traffic is detected ahead.

Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist hyundai elantra спойлер Pedestrian Detection This available safety innovation detects rapid closing distances to the vehicle ahead and pedestrians in your path. FCA with Pedestrian Detection, Cyclist and Junction-Turning Detection This available safety innovation detects rapid hyundai elantra спойлер distances to the vehicle ahead, pedestrians in your path and, when equipped, cyclists.

Highway Driving Assist with Highway Auto Curve Slowdown When actively engaged with both Adaptive Cruise Control with traffic stop and go and Lane Following Assist, this semi-autonomous driving technology helps hyundai elantra спойлер you centred in your lane and travelling at a safe distance behind the vehicle ahead, can help ensure you drive at the specified speed limit and can also automatically slow down the speed of the vehicle before entering a highway curve section for extra safety.

Rear Occupant Alert As the engine is turned off, a visual warning in the instrument cluster and audible alert reminds you to check the rear seats before exiting. Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist When reversing out of areas with low visibility, this available system warns the driver if a vehicle approaches from either side.

Driver Attention Warning Designed to detect the onset of driver fatigue, this available system will monitor driver input and issue a visual and audible alert if fatigue is sensed, suggesting a driving break. Lane Departure Warning with Lane Keeping Assist Start drifting outside of your lane without signalling and this available system is designed to inform you with audible and visual cues.

Safe Exit Warning When a vehicle approaching from behind in the adjacent lane is detected, this feature warns passengers in advance to keep them from hyundai elantra спойлер out onto the road when it is dangerous.

Convenience An intuitive experience. These features make the everyday hyundai elantra спойлер little more special. Available proximity keyless entry with remote engine start. Open the front doors and start the engine all without having to dig around for your key fob. The advanced proximity key also offers remote engine start at the press of a button. Available hands-free smart trunk. Load up the trunk hassle-free. Just stand within three feet of hyundai elantra спойлер trunk for three seconds with the proximity key fob and the trunk will open.

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